Bansko Flea Market

Did you know that Bansko has a flea market?
Typical weekend in Bansko includes winter sports, local restaurant (mehana), and of course a free walking tour
What if we tell you that there is actually more to be seen in our little town. Have you ever wonder how the locals manage to look so fashionable? Where are the beautiful flowers on our facades coming from? We will reveal that strictly guarded secret to you now. Every Sunday there is a pop-up/flea market right next to “Sveti Petar” stadium.
The market is open from early in the morning until noon (1 pm) and offers big variety of commodities. Head to the City park and simply follow the queue of people. In 5 minutes you will reach the first sellers. They sell flowers. You can find seeds, soil and special instructions for your gardening hobby.
The street will then get more crowded. Suddenly you are into the heart of the market. On your right you can see track suits, t-shirts, sports and elegant shoes. Look to your left to see a man selling watches, batteries and old CDs.
The market offers everything – from clothes and carpets to vintage accessories. It is worth visiting if you want to mix with the locals. Our advice would be to do it in morning and combine it with good lunch in a mehana. Saturday is for the Bansko Free Tour, Sunday for the flea market.
Location: Tsar Simeon street, bellow “Sveti Petar”stadium
Working hours: Every Sunday: 8 am – 1 pm
Weekly pop-up/flea market
Clothes, Flowers, Local crafts, vintage and collectable items

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